Hide pencil and wrench quick editing icons from Blogger

Previous post: Remove pencil and wrench quick editing icons from Blogger.

You might have seen the screwdriver and wrench icon at the bottom right corner of every widget on blogger. It looks like these icons visible only when you are logged in, but sometimes these icons appear even though you are not logged in. This is the easiest way to remove pencil and wrench (screwdriver) icons from your blog using CSS.

However if you need to get them back, you can restore these icons easily. Note that when these icons are seen by a reader, clicking on that does not give the reader access to blog settings.

Blogger Pencil iconBlogger Screwdriver and Wrench icon
Pencil icon

Hide pencil and wrench (screwdriver) icons

1. Go to Blogger Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML.
2. Press CTRL+F to find the code ]]></b:skin>
3. Copy the below code


4. Paste it on top of ]]></b:skin> or anywhere in the CSS section of your template.
5. Preview your template and if everything works fine, then save it.

If you want to show pencil and wrench (screwdriver) icons on your blog, then you have to find and remove this code .quickedit{display:none} from your template.


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